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dc.identifier.otherProcedural Yage-
dc.descriptionCesario is explaining how to prepare Yage and talking about some of his visions. He is being interviewed by Carmen Piaguaje and his explanations are occasionally accompanied by comments by his wife Joaquina and Obdulia, a visitor. The video (10:40 minutes) is transcribed in Secoya orthography and translated into Spanish and English.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 Ecuador*
dc.titleProcedural Text by Cesarioes_ES
dc.project.titleCollection of Oral Literature of the Sieko p'ain, Ecuadorian Secoya, 2011 to 2012es_ES
dc.project.nameEcuadorian Secoya, Firebird Foundationes_ES
dc.project.contactAnne Schwarz (Email: anne.schwarzbunt@gmail.com; schwarz@zas.gwz-berlin.de)es_ES
dc.project.descriptionThe project "Collection of Oral Literature of the Sieko p'ain" was funded by the Firebird Foundation for Anthropological Research. It accompanied research for the preparation of a grammar on Ecuadorian Secoya at the James Cook University, Australia. In a team comprising the two Secoya researchers Carmen Piaguaje and Eduardo Payaguaje and the linguist Dr. Anne Schwarz we have started conducting interviews on traditional practices and collecting oral traditions among the Secoyas living along the Aguarico River. The collected audio(-video) data are digitally processed and annotated. In the long run, the project aims at also producing pedagogical linguistic materials that are of immediate use for the speech community. For some parts of the recordings subtitled video clips are produced. We were fortunate to receive generous funding from James Cook University, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, in 2010, and from the Firebird Foundation for Anthropological Research in 2011, and benefit from the continuous technical and practical/linguistic advice by Dr. Connie Dickinson. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge funding from the following institutions: Firebird Foundation for Anthropological Research (US). James Cook University (Australia) We wish to thank the Ecuadorian Secoya Community: The Governors of the Ecuadorian Secoya Nation and all Secoya consultants and friends for their support and participation in the documentation. We express our thanks for the logistic/administrative assistance provided by the following institutions: FLACSO (Quito, Ecuador) FEPP (Quito and Lago Agrio, Ecuador) Colegio Rio Aguarico (San Pablo de Kantetsiaya, Ecuador) Colegio Abya Yala (San Vincente/Lago Agrio, Ecuador) Dirección de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe de las Nacionalidades Siona, Secoya y Cofan del Ecuador (DEINASSCE) (Lago Agrio, Ecuador) We also want to thank: Dr. Connie Dickinson (Ecuador and University of Oregon) Orlando Cruz (Colegio Abya Yala) Marcelo Araña (FEPP Lago Agrio) Dr. Patricia Bermúdez (FLACSO) Robert Kaeser (Ecuador) Dr. Simeon Floyd (Max Planck Institute Nijmegen)es_ES
dc.content.descriptionCesario is explaining how to prepare Yage and some of his visions (10:40 minutes), transcribed in Secoya orthography and translated into Spanish and English. He is being interviewed by Carmen Piaguaje and occasionally accompanied by comments by his wife Joaquina and the visitor Obdulia Okowaje.es_ES
dc.writtenresource.typePrimary Textes_ES
dc.writtenresource.size320 MBes_ES
dc.contributor.actorPiaguaje, Cesario (Author)-
dc.contributor.actorSchwarz, Anne (Collector/Annotator)-
dc.contributor.actorPiaguaje Lusitante, Carmen Luisa (Interviewer/Transcriber/Spanish Translator)-
dc.writtenresource.contentencodingSecoya, Español, Englishes_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Yaje (Yagé)

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